Friday was going to be a practice run through radiation but they called that morning to cancel because the machine was broken. We rescheduled for Monday. I was trying to get all psyched for this new treatment
but they called again because the machine was still down. We will shoot for Wednesday.

I need to learn how to pace myself and think of my energy as "coins" by considering how it's "spent". There is a difference between "activity" vs "exercise". I thought I was doing great by running errands and doing housework. But I was using energy that should have been saved for structured exercise that involved strength training, cardio and flexibility. When I spent my energy on miscellaneous activities, I had nothing left for exercise. I'll have to admit, it sure felt good to clean the bathrooms the way I used to bc (before cancer). I still have to get through radiation and can't afford to "waste" this precious energy.
Short Term - by September 1
- Physical: Nutrition - drink 64 ounces of water, eat more natural foods, avoid food additives, avoid processed foods, eat fish once a week (Carol, please teach me how to cook this stuff!)
- Physical: Exercise - walk 20 minutes 5 days a week, do yoga 3 days a week, strength training, lose 5 pounds
- Physical: Sleep - go to bed by midnight with chamomile tea and a good book, stop using the TV to fall asleep, nap before fatigue sets in, no computer 2 hours before bedtime.
- Emotional - pray and meditate daily, practice mindfulness
- Support Systems - connect with people who are loving and enhance my life
Long Term - by June 2014
- Physical: Nutrition - continue ST goals, eat fish twice a week,
- Physical: Exercise - walk 45 minutes 5 days a week, do yoga daily, strength training, lose 20 pounds
- Physical: Sleep - go to bed by 10:00 pm during the school year, continue ST goals
- Emotional - continue to pray and meditate, practice mindfulness
- Support Systems - call my parents daily, host family gatherings often, hang out with friends
I need to find an app to keep track of some of this and schedule it on my Google Calendar or it might never happen. Call if you want to walk with me this summer!
I would encourage you to set goals for yourself in these areas.
You shouldn't wait until you have cancer
to be proactive about your health.