Sunday, October 13, 2013

We made the paper!

Jewell Cardwell: Sisters share their breast cancer journeys and support others

By Jewell Cardwell 
Beacon Journal columnist
More Sharing Servic

Breast Cancer Survivors sisters, Carol Ford, left and Christie Hickman.(Family photo)
In recognition of October being National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, two local sisters are hosting an “I Won” event to celebrate their battles and recent victories.
Here’s a little of their story:
“My sister (Carol Landon Ford) and I are breast cancer survivors,” Christie (Landon) Hickman wrote.
“Carol finished her treatment last year and I finished on July 25.… We are hosting a breast cancer event (this week) with 30 of our close friends to celebrate our win against breast cancer and share the importance of breast health.” Christie, 54, and Carol, 51, both reside in Ellet a street apart.
“We both had amazing, life-changing experiences during our journeys through breast cancer and met the most compassionate people,” Christie continued. “We created an organization — In This Together, Breast Cancer Support — to help others going through breast cancer treatment. We offer handmade ‘hug blankets’ to patients and The Giving Doll to the children of patients. Jan Householder is providing us with the dolls made with pink hair and shoes!”
The simply amazing Householder, of Wadsworth, is the founder of The Giving Doll Ministry, which gives volunteer-made soft-sculpture dolls to children suffering major medical problems, abuse, neglect or loss of a parent, or who have a military parent stationed in harm’s way.
Both were treated at Akron General Medical Center’s McDowell Cancer Center and had Dr. Esther Remus as their oncologist and Dr. Jennifer Partin as their surgeon. Carol and Christie breathed a giant sigh of relief a couple of weeks ago when their mother underwent a successful breast procedure.
Christie, who is so passionate about her project, shared that she has been “adding names of those touched by cancer that you have mentioned in your column on our ribbon. I update this ribbon with new names on a weekly basis. People can request first names of fighters, survivors or the taken to be added by contacting us.” The virtual ribbon is located on the organization’s website at
Christie and Carol can also be reached at or visit their blog at